Backend API Testing Webinar
About This Program
BackEnd API testing is a crucial stage of the software development life cycle that enables you to test at an early stage. It helps you test your application more comprehensively, providing complete control over the test coverage, and is fundamental for an Automation Tester to cover other business flows and functionality that is not covered only by doing UI Testing.
Students will come out with a general overview of what API testing is, how to validate the functionality of the system, and learn to implement Postman, a tool specialized for BackEnd API testing.

Guillermos Morales
Associate Manager, QA Software Engineering
Guillermo Marchebout is an ISTQB-certified software QA engineer with more than five years of experience. He has a systems engineering degree and expertise in QA areas such as QA management, functional testing, non-functional testing, QA governance, and more. He is an autodidact who likes to experiment with the most recent technologies and popular test strategies (like shift left) and apply them. He is a passionate mentor/educator and an advocate for QA education.

Carlos Veloz
Senior QA Software Engineer
Carlos holds a Bachelors in Computer Engineering and a Masters in Sciences with Computing from The Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Carlos has more than five years of experience creating automation frameworks from scratch by designing software solutions that meet customer's requirements leveraged to their front-end, back-end, and API testing practices. In addition, Carlos is a Community Champion at Wizeline and is eager to participate with Wizeline Academy.